I have been playing and studying the game of blackjack for over 30 years, I am an expert card counter and player. I will tell you that from my experience, this ap is great for the house in a for real on line gaming setting. BUT for someone who enjoys the game and understands that sometimes the odds are defied I also understand when the odds are unrealistic. 2 out if 10 times I can see 9 out of 10 consistently for the house against proven mathematical odds is impossible. I have played this game for over 2 years to come up with these statistics.
The look of the game is great. The realism of this game is poor. If you play this ap and learn to win based on unrealistic patterns thats great have fun with the ap BUT please be aware that this ap teaches you what NOT to do at the casino with real money. If you play the way this ap forces you to play and win, you will loose your shirt at the casino if you applied it.
If you are a fan of the game of Blackjack, I do recommend the card counter ap. Good luck and happy gaming :-)
Pro card counter about
21 Pro: Blackjack, v1.2.2